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Crossing the River

Segment dated:

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After sincerely making efforts to understand my employment and do a good job, I realized that there are other forces at work in this world who choose not to support, or respect that effort regardless of attitude or intention on my part. So, I've learned to face the fact that there are some who will trespass our boundaries just to prove that they can. Out of concern for this problem at my new position, I returned to my previous commitment to tend to the garden on Franklin and the site of many of our Missions. And by weeding and planting again, I found that by filling up my camp shower bag at Van Cleve Park, I can carry water across the bridge to the eastbank reliably so that even if the shops are closed by the time I get there, I can still gently sprinkle water onto the tender shoots.

Someone jumped from the 8th floor of the Bridges apartment to the sidewalk below along that path during Gabel's Presidency at the University, but I too am under fire while passing through what's become a needle park just south of my haunts in Dinkytown and those with the courage of their convictions call me out by saying: "You're just staring and haven't done enough!".

And I also found a pair of insoles tucked under the post with the Security Camera halfway across the bridge which was likely to be troubling to whoever manned that camera, so I always be with the heroine of this story to do more. The value of this work is to reach others who have the power to prevent the treachery I've described from causing the tragedy that results. At the very least, our Tribes, who really care about the loss I've described, can add another lesson to learn about the Coyote.

I knew there was trouble brewing. An elder from the Tribe told me someone was having trouble standing on the avenue. With his arm pointing to an ambulance on the corner, I was reminded of my effort to stay sober while living in a van. Wood alcohol that I used for my cooking stove had leaked onto the panel van floor on a cold night and found myself stumbling after I got up that night. I was as dizzy as I was on my first small boat ride at sea and nearly as put out as I was serving that area on a daily basis, so I put in a few more requests at key locations and a couple of them panned out.

While at the grocery store after watering the plants in the garden, a security guard called someone out for theft. I didn't know the person who was being accused, but because my wife lost her 24 carat gold necklace at that location a few years ago, I took a stand between them to iron things out. “You know," I said, "I put up a 24 carat gold chain at a Pawn shop a few years ago and when I returned to pick it up, I checked the length to see that it was all still there which it was, but upon closer inspection when I returned home I found that what I picked up was only 18 carat gold, not the 24 carat that I had left there.” So I said to the fella: “If someone steals from you and there’s nothing you can do about it, that's one thing, but if you let them steal from you, then it’s your fault and your own reputation that will suffer.”

And later that week, when a fella wasn't able to get on the bus because he only had one foot to use in his wheelchair, I wondered about the hospital that he was returning from. His leg was cut off at the ankle and the limb was clean, so I considered him to be lucky. Like the chain of the same length, he had what I wanted; to be clean, but I realized that the compromise was so difficult to live with that he needed help getting up the ramp and had no independent mobility at all. So while I live with cellulitis which needs cleansing from time to time, I can walk for miles and miles and stand for a day's shift without any serious trouble whatsoever. Two feet might be a problem if we had to fit them into the same shoe, but if we keep one shoe for the left foot and the another for the right, then we ought to be just fine.



Segment dated:

While English in origin, the term Luddite was used to describe Russians who claimed to be able to improve the size and strength of their children by subjecting themselves to vacuum pressure in decompression chambers where they made their bodies swell up. Clearly, the physical changes are temporary and based upon exposure to a very low pressure environment that can't be sustained for any length of time, so those brave enough to risk the dangerous procedure couldn't enjoy the benefits for long, or transcribe the size change to pass them on.

So too Luddites in England objected to the use of steam powered machines used to process wool because they were dangerous and they thought they'd lose their jobs. We heard many similar arguments in the States during the 1970s and 80s about computer technology, some of which were true. Entire rooms full of accountants using slide-rules were replaced by spreadsheet applications which was a huge improvement in accuracy and efficiency. The change is so significant that no matter how we use them now, what we know today cannot be distinguished from what we determine by their use. One might say that "they've replaced the universe we described with them".

Our ability to recognize our own limitations is based upon the ability to make use of computers. I realized that a conspiracy to obscure the consequences of circumcision may have resulted in a ‘vac scene’ too. A strategy that aligned itself to obscure the visible damage to the penis resulting from the scalpel by fluffing it up to alleviating the visible damage caused by the scalpel may have been failed along with decompression chambers. And perhaps the use of current will fail too, but we've made considerable progress with microcircuitry and it's far better than cutting on each other.

But do Salk Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus and other diseases treated by vaccines not result from blood letting physicians? Aren't the infants they treat exposed to their own excretion as a result of their procedures? And have they not been silenced for crying in compromising circumstances by being put to death? One example of this strategy, covered by closing episodes of the famous television series M.A.S.H, results in the insanity of the star of the show, Hawkeye, who becomes temporarily insane as a result of the crime.

Like the effort to speak to God, at Babel and elsewhere, and the Covenants between God and Man that are based upon scripture were written into history by the hands of men. We may believe ourselves to be better people for making the effort, but because we portray God as capable of a curse against us and refer to Him as admonishing our effort to control ourselves, isn't he more likely to be worried about the end of eternity that will result from the sun's expansion, and the literal collapse of the clockwork He considers it to be constructed of?

Separating ourselves and complicating language might hide our shame from each other, but it is not long hidden from God. The new dictatorships in China and Korea may have resulted from our arrogance. We deny the reign as ours to call it His and exonerate ourselves, but our world is a much more dangerous place as a result. Hacks like ours, barbaric and brutal, can't compare to the majesty of the 3.5 billion years of life's evolution on our planet.


Recent Correspondence

Entry revised:

An Unexpected Party

I do not have the power to create unless I've been granted that power by One who does, but I realize that there are many who might play God to achieve their goals, so I work to improve the tolerance and interdependence of one dream for another. I cannot vouch for them, but I do represent myself and my childhood. And I'm not ‘the tree of legend’ or even a limb of the tree, but I do write what I know to be true until what I know to be true becomes clear for me.

And, I don’t object to the obstacles that occur by way of this radical new approach without second, but the fact that they continue is proof of the fact that it does. So I remain accountable with what I do to see if it can be applied to make more room for life and the living.

For example: if the Professor, who ostensibly died, really became his brother (or son) in another State, then he could accuse me of stealing his business, or if a revision of The Mission were shared to be what it has become since, then it might not really be mine, but those who trade information for their basic needs will be safer because you do. Without adapting to our safer alternatives - without you, they might not be heard at all.

Spindle Fibers

It's been my calling to unravel what’s been obscured by those who’d rather we not know what moves a body to divide upon itself, but if we’re honest with ourselves, there’s no shame in it. Hazards we encounter along the way help us to fully realize what it means to find a way out and why. By these means we might have a better chance to be ourselves again, and by documenting our progress, we preserve a record for whatever results to pick up where we left off: Haptics in Biotechnology

Twisted Pair

Examination of the cord cannot be accomplished by rotation beyond our scope; to examine the regions beyond our view, we need to turn to and fro to be sure of our finding. A cord cannot be turned upon itself 5 times in an inch unless it’s composed of more than one, and normally we only have one damaged inch to evaluate - the measurement of which results in discoveries like the measure of turns in rifle boar, or speed at which a bullet spins after ejecting from the barrel. So the tech industry itself may be involved in this coverup too, but it’s a barbaric practice of medicine I've been recruited to call out.

The Application of a Ratchet

Perhaps the ratchet on a socket makes more sense as a way to describe the evaluation of an injury. You turn the handle back and forth and the socket turns one way to move a bolt out, then you flip the lever on the wrench, and it goes back in. The key is, not to go too far in any one direction lest it snap off. Clearly, it's a charge related issue that worries us. And while it might be better to acquaint ourselves with the right hand rule to draw conclusions based upon electromagnetic propulsion, the left may now be working with the asymmetry of dark matter - or worse.

Strange pressures are what motivated me to conduct my evaluations in the first place, so to encounter this radical cascade of electrical energy that resulted from my examination is confirmation of the fact that current is relevant to the problem; all charge is ending up in the ground anyway these days, so the fact that there's a biological precedent is encouraging.

Dipole Moment

I believe our rivals are trying to compete with us by using ordinance to control the outcome of this process, but we’ve already covered that by relying on the resonance of the light that reaches our eyes. And what's conveyed there tells us more than the influence of the slower, and much more ambiguous noise that we live with even if it is more powerful.

Some claim that excessive use of sound may be the force that we really need to be rid of because it can result in an invocation scribes once referred to as a curse, but by listening carefully we can see through the motivation of these offenses to our own human frailty and gain a new understanding of the anger and fear that motivates us to proceed with clarity enough to make decisions for ourselves. We're afforded a light in the darkness so much brighter than the one we began with that God won’t miss a thing - even if we suffer from floods that result from our our mismanagement.

The Real Thing

I was much more careful with the limb many consider to be the real thing, of course. Requiring no more than three turns per try and no more than three tries to determine the true nature of the threat, there was no better way to ensure the safety of my partner than to thoroughly examine the wound. Please see also: Pitch, Feather, Bamboo, Smokey Quartz and Red Cord

On my knees and crumpled with 50,000 watts of power running through my head, my dreams vacillated between being crushed to death under a two ton block of cement, or becoming something like the Hulk or Swamp-thing. I was, after all, forced to drink of it later on too - therein lies the problem. Now I don’t know if it's Thee, he or me.

Papers for our Radio Show presentation at Tuttle Elementary in South East Minneapolis during the late 1960s, or early 70s.I kept my clothes on at all times with my brothers, but several years later in another county, was required to strip after work in the mud room shortly after administering a colonic, upon which occasion my step father showed up again.

Log Updates

A similar problem occurred on my travel log (Berkeley to Minneapolis). I had 15 images all named by variations of the month and year involved; 10-98, one of which was used twice and another that was missing. The image that was used twice was just a withdrawal slip, but a failure to distinguish the difference between the two very similar names required hours to identify, and the other image was so old and faded that I had to use my handwritten itemization of the trip to determine the amount.

The missing item was a check with my signature still on it, so its use may have been blocked by a conscience's host, but I worry when records that seem fishy result from years of storage in facilities that aren’t under my own control. So to have made these corrections and clarifications strengthens my resolve to work in much more effective ways, and the concurrence of CERNs 3rd run makes it exciting.

I’m Sorry

Many of the horrors I address - including evidence of a human desecration, neural implants in cat brains and the vivisection of monkeys have not been supported by publication online, but efforts to correct and prevent the mistakes our children live with are clear and convincing evidence of the lengths to which our culture has gone in order to protect and defend our vulnerability, so I'm glad we had the time to address these issues online more carefully.


Those who might prefer to obscure the evaluation of a wound than admit that it's taken place might prefer to twist up a stop cock with petroleum jelly to stick it where the sun doesn't shine:

By twisting the jelly up around the plastic to prevent an anal insertion from being painful, it can be buried with a short, sharp shock, serving the lad with a velvet needle that required 50 years of discovery. Then, by requiring a youngster to spell out every possible circumstance that may have occurred at that time, they could point back to the one who avoided accountability for the offending procedure.

We loved our dolls, but aren't likely to survive injection molding. Nor will we be able to pay for the adaptations required of us should we try, so we keep printing plastic in the hope that someone will forget what’s been required of us to keep our memory green.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I guess I thought that my friend Davy might've died, so he'd need a new carriage, or another way to survive his fall; that a stretcher, an ambulance, or a hospital would not do. And by ruling nothing out, not even Dracula who’s bride may have been able to take the pressure off his head, we continue to work for a more reliable way out.


Leaky Landfills

Entry updated:

I hope this letter finds you well! This may be too much material for one sitting, but I'm going to take a risk and share my recent ramblings with you in the hopes that we can return to a more natural form of compliance. I originally wrote this for my Sponsor and a Crime Prevention Specialist. We believe that when blame is being used against someone or something, that we ought to use our names in order to do so. The fact that Anonymous Fellowships practice forgiveness may be based upon this problem: We cannot lay blame without disclosing who we are, and providing an opportunity for a defense, so I'm working on this problem at GitHub.

I spoke to the City Attorney again after one of the regulars at the soup kitchen where my iPad was stolen started in on me. We discussed things like stolen accounts (Facebook, and Gmail accounts that I used to conduct my business), getting framed for murder, the death of the Professor, and the possiblity that he really didn't like me, among other things - briefly, and he told me that two representatives from the Communist Party will be calling on me. I referred to my efforts to get things done by honest plea, or by request - even repeated requests upon consideration and reconsideration of objections to them as a way to get things done, but have no choice but to face the eventuality of just such an eventuality.

For example: When my friend Duong went missing, I recruited Hong to help me find her (they're both from Vietnam). Hong said he was going to move to another city, so I offered to help him move. He refused my offer, and later told me that someone gave him a room here in our city for free, so he didn't leave after all, but I can't reach him. Sometimes we get into a jam trying to help people out. When protesters chained a school bus full of children across the gate to a landfill that was polluting our groundwater, I was asked to keep watch over the bannering with a radio at the Drive-In Theater next door. And when I was asked: "What did you do when the garbage trucks showed up?" I had to answer: "Keep watch at the Drive-In!"

As one Anonymous Fellowship puts it, we are privileged to use God's powers of creation as long as we don't treat them lightly or selfishly, or despise and loath them. Perhaps a lewd act was inspiration enough to retrieve us from the shock and awe of our exposure to the pressures of the Calypso Singer in the Islands or our response to it.

Applying ourselves in Asia may have seemed like a valid way to avoid the consequences of the Alpha Male in America, but at what cost? He referred to my step-dad as a pragmatic person (comparing the cost of an afternoon delight with the cost of war, or trafficking children). Our family was already dealing with rejection in China when serving as Missionaries, and our nation was running for cover from the war in South East Asia. 'Teaching the Commandments' at home didn't seem to me to be beyond my scope.

Apparently pedophilia is one of the most successful adaptations to racism, or bigotry. After all, aren't the different colors, shapes and sizes God afforded us after the fall how He dealt with our shame and inadequacy? Why wouldn't we learn to be fruitful with those we consider to be our own creations? Isn't that what we've been taught: to adapt and be useful?
And, aren't we providing a more fertile field in God's realm by teaching them to create online? Perhaps there really is good reason to take the high road - or to call out a more persistent politic movement and correct the arrogant conclusions that result in death. Certainly, the more input we field, the better our judgement will be!

That a case is being made in my home by trespasses I can't identify isn't surprising! We had to report the crimes that led to our injuries to get our health care established, but our reports lead to new injuries to keep the machine funded, so the crimes go under cover. And when we have problems, they show up to live with us - or we get placed with someone who has a deadly infectious disease - or handcuffed to an offender - or tied to a dead body - or put on a stretcher with a neck brace - or chained to a transmission in a field. It's what our world has taught us! And, it's not enough to report the problem, we really need to do something about it!

I know that at times, what we've been led to believe to be true is rubbish. I've encountered the deceit in my own documents, and on my own server. We don't know who's made the changes, and there's an awfully large amount of information to cover. I've done all I can to improve my security, but I can't replace the old equipment I use to compose these documents without investments under my own control. And I can't afford an accountant to comply with the expectations of Investors, so we live with the consequences

I'd summarize the circumstance this way: We're learning to publish for ourselves for the first time, and very few of us have experience with the subtle nuances of the work. Such as the ability to anticipate what kind of reaction a particular piece might have when published. We get our idea online, and then find out what's happening again, and see what it really means to say in the light of day. That - well, perhaps it ought to be this way or that. And, it's becoming abundantly clear to me, that we're working with a new light, and it's going to get much brighter.

Precisely because some statements are doubted, others believe they can change what's been said. Work is either censored, or rewritten to suggest what might be better to say, and apparently some have been granted permission to do so because yet others believe the original statements are inaccurate, incomplete, misleading, or just plane wrong. And still others, who perceive someone, or something to be a threat, or are unable to trust the development of the new medium, rush in to take advantage of the situation by postulating their own beliefs based upon even less information than the author to determine if their suspicions are true, until no one can be sure of anything.

What I'm correcting is only what I know to be wrong, and am sure is false in my own documents. Changes have been made that recast statements made in a hateful tone, confusing clarity it's taken years to accomplish. These statements have been made with confidence after careful review of all the evidence I can encounter, and I make no apology for that! To allow for conjecture would be unprofessional, though I try to respect the right for others to do so on their own, and I may continue to question the facts. I don't have the time to focus on crime or the evidence, though I wish others would, I've adapted by acquiring a better understanding of it. For more on this subject, please see: All Rights Reserved

I hope to become the very best God intends for me to be by sharing what I know to be true with Him. Whether King, Queen, or Pauper, unless God knows us as we are, He can only rely upon what others say about us. Because defamation has become so common, the Internet serves as the most accessible tool for the correction of defamation, though handguns, shotguns and rifles may work better.


Whistling Past the Graveyard

Entry updated:

I wouldn't continue to try to reach people that don't want to face facts, but we're dealing with the consequences of the failure to act, and whistling past the graveyard, so I'm going to continue to make things clear for those of us who still don't understand with yet this new segment for Open Letter. I'm writing with this simplification of my work because my Step Father died recently, and I need my peers to understand in plain language - without too many links or complications what's happened, to prevent it from happening again.

A lot of the trouble we've been having online has to do with the inaccurate use of terms. Names, labels, and even the naturally occurring ambiguity of terms used in the English language confound our efforts. My name Hesla, sounds like urban slang for 'His Slut', and my best friend's last name Eliason sounds like 'He'll lie a son', and either the belief that I chose to hit him because they thought I believed he was a liar, or a very serious injury must have resulted to cause the authorities to take this childhood mistake so seriously.

I hit him with a bat swing without intending to (I was 7 years old), and told his mother next door right away. I went back home thinking everything would be fine, but after leaving the neighborhood and growing up I returned to find a kind of banishment we live with when greeted by a welcoming committee that clearly doesn’t want you around.

I've been committed several times, my property has been stolen repeatedly, I've been accused of stealing my Grandmother's checks, and all kinds of other ridiculous things. So, when I encountered a hate crime scene, I chose to write the problem up in detail, sometimes in places like: My Archive, because the information I refer to may have motivated the hate crime, or been a factor in the ongoing development of a case used to justify it. And it is clear that hackers are trying to misrepresent me as someone without conscience, or integrity. Please see: All Rights Reserved

I must have been considered to be cold, cruel or unthinking by adults. I've described other things that might have lead to the belief that I haven't been careful, or checking up on things properly, such as my own investigations into medical practices I was suspicious of because I've been expected to work with the criminally insane, followed by people with medical problems like Klinefelter's Syndrome who've been violently angry with me, and I've been hacked, and followed by people with complaints for decades.

Me, Davy and Chrissy coming back from Reds, the corner store on Johnson Street After leading the Orchestra at the Smorgasbord with the conductor's baton, I returned to one who asked: "How hard was he hit?"

So, I returned to my home town from another State because the problems resulting from doubts about me, or my reports to the health care system may have led to my daughter's concern. She confessed at the age of 3 that she had been permitted to touch a man's penis in a room in her house who she thought was her dad. I don't think that's okay. For a boy to investigate what appears to be a threat to him is one thing. To allow a girl to do so with an adult is another.

And, while driving a route I was advised to drive by my own family, I realized the threat I was dealing with was much worse than I thought. Perhaps, my concern about the medical practice of Circumcision led to a counter attack by someone who wanted to point to the danger of failing to control the phallus. (The body of a girl, or small woman left behind in pieces may have been drawn by a large phallus). I believe they've got us on a stretcher now, with a neck brace to come.

I wrote about this problem, but get hacked as I do despite my sincere efforts to keep it safe, reliable, and accurate, and a riot erupted in our city. The fact is, I can't keep an eye on the entire page at a glance. Edits may be taking place to other parts of this document as I work on this segment. So, perhaps we'll reconsider the value of investing in good equipment and due diligence to keep our Internet safe and secure more seriously now.


Black Lives Matter

Segment updated:

While reviewing my timeline, I noticed that shortly after being admitted to General Hospital, blood work done under Dr. Stanley's supervision showed elevated CO2 levels that resulted from a stay in a jail cell for three days without ventilation. I was literally stumbling around the cell by day 3, hospitalized, and my blood work was done a few hours later.We're all in this together!

An incident at the hospital where one of the orderlies put a knee on my neck to keep me from smoking my snipes (cigarette butts found on the avenue - I had a bag full) brought my attention to the problem because they did the same thing to George Floyd.

And while I've been able to renew my lease and settle in a bit, I believe Dr Stanley may be having some trouble.

I've been offended by people who believe my effort to remove a woman who would not leave my home was 'abuse', because I could not sublet my unit. Repeated requests to ask her to leave resulted in a slap on the face to get it done (the officer I spoke to claimed she had 'squatters rights').

And I've been raped at gunpoint, while trying to help a person who asked for help, and offended in my current apartment because he believes it was a 'date' or worse.

Was it the unanswered questions left by the County Court, or the names of the litigants: Boneheart, Meede, or Reichman in this case (I can never remember the spelling) that offended me?

I've been followed to my current apartment by an afflicted person who's complained about the fact that he can't get in (he's dealing with a genetic problem himself and may be seeking assistance, but he assaulted me when I first arrived to Minneapolis for trying to defend my friend while we were at the Salvation army (who's head he put through a wall). These incidents are over 20 years old, and still nothings been done!

I was committed by his claims after I arrived and jailed for the altercation without ventilation, which brings us back to our starting point.

Why can't I teach my children what those who would presume to do can't teach without an understanding of the genetics we live with? Please see: How to Keep a Log

Why must I plead for the relief of debts I ought to have been paid, and slave away to enjoy rights we're all entitled to?

Do we need to rule out every measure, or double check every claim until the manifestation of the threat we hope to apprehend forces us to succumb?

The guy who assaulted me at the Salvation Army 20 years ago, and followed me to my apartment shortly after I moved in complaining about the fact that he couldn't get in visited my old apartment too, and apparently and removed the incident from the log while he was there, so he may be following me for that reason. At this point, hacks are not only changing our work, they're also heckling us below our window as we make our corrections, so I uploaded evidence of this facct to my datetime folder.

It may be our mother, who by refering to bad checks, distracts me claims made to the police that bankdrafts were stolen from my Grandmother while I lived there to focus on my failure to report well. Investigations result if we're lucky, though the police chose to an incident I completely forgot about rather than correct what was incomplete or inaccurate. Perhaps it's related to stereotype about blonds and that fact that we ought to keep our mouths shut.


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