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Tools for Healthy Relationships

Having healthy relationships

Have Healthy Relationships!

Significant relationships are perhaps the most meaningful aspects of our lives and our ability to deal with the conflicts and disappointments along the way will be a good indicator of our character. If our relationships are short and unresolved, or we're not satisfied and end relationships to avoid conflict, we're not likely to encounter anything of value with anyone else either. Try taking the Myers & Briggs Personality Test to help you to determine your likely compatibility.

Attachment & Personality

We can only be useful and creative with what we know about ourselves if we're beyond the envy and jealousy that separates us from each other and the power to create. Then, once we're able to master our problem, we can start to work with others to help them resolve theirs, or a similar limitation. Usually, our problem is finding it in others by recognizing it unresolved in ourselves. We know it's true because we have it, but unresolved, we're not capable of being useful to anyone.

We have attachments and baggage from our lives that result from trauma, or incidents we were unprepared for when vulnerable. These attachments are very difficult to unravel or change, and often only do so under very painful circumstances in love or life. Please see: Attachment in Adults

Another valuable tool external to our work that can help you to determine how you show up in relationships is the classification of Love Styles found at Wikipedia.

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