My first effort to leave home failed due to circumstances beyond my control. Even a summer job turned out to be unrealistic as a result of harassment. To make matters worse, upon returning from my second effort to help my children, a concern raised by one of them coincided with a series of hate crimes across the Country, including one in Montana that might have been related to my earlier effort to work there, or my own history and a hate crime scene that I encountered on the way home.
A complaint filed at after I left for the second time (Mothers Against Fathers In Arrears dot com) named me as a father who was dodging child support in Oilmont Montana; a ghost town since the 1920s when fracking destroyed the water table. I left again to find work because ongoing liable was being used to separate me from my opportunities at home, but defamation on the web made my effort more challenging.
I don't remember much about our time there, I was only two when we arrived and four by the time we left, but I do remember a few things; mom was very sick for a while and I suffered with my first bout of depression, and we had a window fan that introduced me to the Wagon Wheel Effect.
We lived on the coast, which was amazing! I collected crabs and learned to surf with my grandfather, but we were suffering with the consequences of social unrest which later took the form of jeering and picketing my family name outside an office in British Guiana.
Great Britan
My interest in web development led to a position in Dorset, Poole on the South Coast of England, where I tended publications for a Governess who managed several restaurants in the area. She was interested in international trade, which I've worked on to this day out of concern for her welfare.
After returning from Germany and Barbados, Minneapolis seemed like an idyllic spot to settle down. Little did I realize what kind of trouble I was in while adapting to fresh milk from the farms (all we had was powdered milk in the Islands). So by the 1980s, I thought I'd take Anonymity a little more seriously. Please see: The Trestle by The Electronic Machinery Corporation.
Working on the sod farms was great as a young man. I got to work outside in the fresh air and sunshine, but when our manager asked us to spread Sludge from the Hennepin County Sewage Treatment Plant, I temporarily walked off the job and needed quite a bit of time to think about the problem.
A description of the pond under the Indian Burial Grounds can be found here, at Google Maps, where I try to document the features of the various landscapes I've had the good fortune to get to know.
And the home we built while living in South East Minneapolis on Orwell Ave N; significant for many reasons, had a version of history that was not entirely consistent with the publishers who settled there prior to our arrival. In particular, the identity of the people in the graves on the hill we called the Indian Burial Grounds. Some say it was a Methodist burial plot.
While it may not seem significant to others, the fact that I lived in Apple Valley, which is in Dakota County, was very significant to me. During the 1980s I dreamed of finding an easier way to bill people in their homes. Cleaning carpets was far too invasive from my point of view.
While it may not seem significant to others, the fact that I lived in Apple Valley, which is in Dakota County, was very significant to me. During the 1980s I dreamed of finding an easier way to bill people in their homes. Cleaning carpets was far too invasive from my point of view.
Offended by a lewd act committed by my Step Father in front of us when we were children, I lost track of the rest of the day. Because we were accused of being crazy, we had to prove that these crimes took place. And, during recovery, we're expected to know exactly what we've done wrong to cause these kinds of problems in our lives. To complicate matters, I couldn't remember what happened after I blacked out, so I chose to recreate the scene in order to discover what I might've done to arouse the antipathy of my surrogate dad.
Besides, a neighbor girl in Minneapolis was concerned about someone taking pictures of her in the gas station bathroom across the alley and our effort to report crimes like these were dangerous - even then, during the war.
Continued to develop tools for a more diverse community by documenting the results of doing what we were told and improving upon how we accomplish it.
Applying our skills to represent every entity we contract with (without passion or prejudice) to write, illustrate, or express all the relevant words and revelations we encounter along the way.
Faithfully fulfilling the expectations of our clients by doing everything our clients intend and nothing they do not, unless abrogated by an act of God or agreement.
A description from Places I've lived covers the first location in my hometown where I lived and a complaint from my childhood that I overlooked until fairly recently. Please see: Regarding my Friend Dave
The home we moved to when we left NE Minneapolis where my friend was hurt was also very important, so I list a collection of circumstances I divided into Crimes and Complaints at 1096 23rd Ave SE.
And another neighbor who's complaint became very important to me later in life, shared concerns like mine that were co-morbid with complications like getting choked while trying to achieve ASMR. Please see also: ASMR Contraindications. Much like my return home to resolve a concern my daughter raised over the phone, I realized that not all enquiries are met with civil treatment.
At Hay Lake, just North and East of Sand Lake where we lived in Washington County Minnesota, we had an incident that seemed to suggest that our problems weren't over yet; that actually, they may have followed us, so I covered this incident at: Location 2.
And upon my return while making out county based reports, I found myself locked in a gravel pit.
380 Alameda del Prado Reporting the crimes we were living with was dangerous and barely acknowledged in my hometown (we were accused of being crazy when doing so).
But during recovery, we're advised to find out the exact nature of our wrongs. And, while working with patients in lockup it was pointed out to me that symptoms like: eyes rolling up into the top of our heads is a good example of what truly the problem truly is (which actually did happen to me when a Doctor reassured me that my parents would always be there for me).
So by taking a suggestion from a videographer, I captured a reaction shot of the offense instead (I wasn't able to apprehend the offender directly due to my blackouts), in order to determine exactly what happened to me and be rid of the offense.
I used a camera to find out what happened after I lost consciousness when my step father showed up before us by keeping the focus on the person I was at the time and what happened when I blacked out confronted by his bravado. What I didn't realize is that we curse the attention men garner from our girlfriends as boys.
Charged with DUI while driving on Medical Marijuana, the Judge orders me to wait 6 hours before driving after taking my medication: Driving on a Flat