My Defects
I have sometimes been careless and unaware of the consequences of my behavior.
For example: At the age of 6, or 7, I hit my best friend, and next door neighbor with a souvenir baseball bat as I was practicing a major league swing and left before I saw him get back up.
The fact that I was given many chances in life didn’t seem to matter. Everytime I made progress, someone, or something stood in the way of my progress. Perhaps because I didn't really know what happened, and did little or nothing to correct what they believed was a problem, I was expected to amend behavior I was unaware of.
Here's what happened next:
I was recruited to work with the disabled and labeled by medical professionals as antisocial, or a sociopath while 'out of it' on their drugs.

I've always believed in being good and doing right, but I was not prepared to deal with evil or vengeance until I encountered it in my own life, and by then, I needed help.
Perhaps it was my innocence that failed me! I had no intention to hurt my best friend, and for that reason would not, or could not recognize or understand retaliation in the matter, but because his family name, like mine, had connotations that might refer to us as leaky, or unpredictable representations of ‘His Word’, I try to understand what happened from His point of view.
What I Failed to Do:
What I Should Have Done Instead:
My Penance
Gates of Repentance
God, You love me very much because I am me. Help me to remember all the things You've done for me, are doing for me, and will do for me. You have plans for my eternal happiness, and are with me now in this effort to bring peace, and closure to my past life. Help me to grow in Your knowledge and love, through all my travails and difficulties in the past, and present, because the past is still affecting my present.
God, help me keep my conscience clear, and when I'm tempted to be offensive, to remember Your patience with me. Teach me to rely on Your healing power to put childish things away.
Show me what to do in each questionable situation, and grant me the strength and sanity I need to do Your will.
Direct my thinking, may it especially be divorced from self pity, dishonest and self seeking motives.
God, help me to let go of possessiveness, and if it be thy will, heal and transform me to keep me from harmful practices and intents.