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Dedicated Virtual Support

Why Choose Us?

The Dragon with the Deep Red CoyWe're doing all we can to be helpful!

And if efforts to defend ourselves, or working for change have become difficult for some, can we teach the value of Anonymity, or Ambiguity to encourage discussion on the subject.

But living with the violence and hatred that results requires radical alternatives that include writing your own treatment plan, and resolving conflict to adapt within the community, not more physical restraint in treatment settings. Please see also: Treatment Planning

This State provides complaint forms to challenge opinions that have been used against us. Please see: Complaint Form. The Trusteeship provides Self Advocacy tools for the purpose of redressing the improper use of names and labels.

Supporting Documentation

This venture discovered that reporting the injury that resulted from healthcare practice itself proves to be dangerous, so we're helping others learn to Log & Report as well.

Frequently, problems described by physicians, like many described by ourselves, are due to more pressing concerns like the overhead for the practice, the repayment of student loans, or the mortgage on the house.

We don't want to be forced to act by fighting words, or cornered by manipulation intended to incite violence, but we can't defy those who will not work with us. We ought not endeavor radical action without them. Sometimes, what we want for ourselves is not what others would have us be, so we value the diversity we've been afforded and the potential of every dream to become a reality. Until we've been proven wrong, we'll continue to work for alternatives that seem right.

Access to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering seems to be the most promising opportunity available to us today, but being open and honest about the problems that require these options is not always the easiest way to achieve it. We've yet to find a better example of Creation than the one we've been given, so must not use contempt as a starting point for this venture.


We can't stop those who use technology to be harmful, but we can document the results of State's requirement to report crime that results in injury.

Healthcare issues?

L.A.M.P. Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHPBy marking up complaints on the Internet, you're likely to encounter disruption, interference and even censorship.

How we can help?

Defining the problem is only the beginning of the work required to reach your goal. And the treatment of unrelated problems, such as chemical dependency, or emotional issues may be lucrative options for your doctor that you can take care of on your own.

Meetings and over the counter preparations already proven to be safe can prevent indefinitely long delays to the resolution of your problems.

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Know your pain - trust yourself!

Well maintained machine technologyWhat do you do when your Doctor tells you: "Your partner's complaint is in your head!", go to a Psychiatrist?

Constitutional Limitations

Sobriety and Sanity

Clean Living

Practical Applications

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