Current Events (the last half of September 2023)
Network Strategy
Network security has proven to be the most important problem I've had to work on. Threats to our credibility result when our work is corrupted and sometimes it takes the form of hatred, or word salads which are equally as harmful. (Here's a summary of the last two weeks of September 2023).
Current Events (the last half of September 2023)
While I'd really like to work on style changes to be clear, I've been required to tone down work that's considered to be 'trouble'. So in addition to purchasing a new computer, I've replaced old cable and put all my network equipment on battery backups. I've removed old groups and accounts that were established with old email addresses that were compromised by bounced email and network mail server warnings. And I will be upgrading to a competitive monitor with the capacity to load an entire page of text at a glance to keep an eye on the entire document I'm editing soon. I change passwords regularly and discreetly and make them carefully to keep them safe.
I spell check my content, rewrite complex passages for simpler language to keep it brief. And describe the content in meta tags with keywords and more accurate descriptions of the content specific to each page so it can be more easily found, but not all of these edits can be accomplished at once (Changes to the content of any given page may take three or four edits just to determine where it needs to be and where it goes will it affect the meta tags and style changes that I intend to organize by subject too).
Required by my work to guard public venues, I also listen to the feedback I hear there, online and in person to take action whenever necessary and address concerns that might be raised by these opportunities. And though I'd rather work on the development of new logos (perhaps without carved features) for more recent content, I also realize that there's a reason for keeping a subject anonymous. To define people by the meaning of their names may become an unrealistic expectation. The English language does not apply meaning to proper names by definition, they’re only handles by which we are called that refer to who we are independent of our names even if the mind assigns meaning to them nevertheless. So like the sacredness of our image, which we ought to be able to share as we see fit, we're free to do what we will with our names too. Even if it means something to somebody, it ought not define who we are, or who we're meant to be. It's only a handle by which we are called.